anonymous hold造句


  1. Even then, any single senator could put an anonymous hold on the nomination.
  2. Lott defended the practice, saying anonymous holds help senators get the attention of the administration or of other senators.
  3. Some senators, including Sen . Ron Wyden, D-Ore ., have tried to eliminate the system of anonymous holds.
  4. Many went through the further indignity of anonymous holds by senators, leaving them twisting in the wind for additional months or even years.
  5. Lott acknowledged that reporters don't like anonymous holds because they prevent the public from knowing " who is doing a hold and for what reason ."
  6. It's difficult to find anonymous hold in a sentence. 用anonymous hold造句挺难的
  7. Josh's position in the Bartlet administration is temporarily compromised after he leaks information to the press about an anonymous hold on military promotions placed by Idaho Senator Chris Carrick.
  8. Now every session of the Senate gets bogged down by a proliferation of anonymous holds, some so confusing that even Majority Leader Trent Lott can have trouble figuring out who is causing the delays.
  9. No doubt many of the senators who just voted again to end anonymous holds cherish the prerogative and would prefer to see the reform quietly killed in the conference committee now meeting behind closed doors.
  10. But there is no excuse for secret holds that turn the legislative process into an undignified detective game in which senators canvass their colleagues to figure out who held their legislation and then retaliate with an anonymous hold of their own.
  11. If the Senator provides notice privately to his or her party leadership of their intent ( and the party leadership agreed ), then the hold is known as a "'secret "'or "'anonymous hold " '.


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